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Castle Robar

Built one thousand years ago for King Robar Thunder-Hammer, Castle Robar is now inhabited by many monsters. Over centuries of existence it has been expanded and improved by the king's descendants, but now it is abandoned, all wholesome life chased away by the vile sorcerer Tharn Zel.


Before the castle was built, the hill it stands on now was once the apex of a temple devoted to dark powers. The temple complex was mostly composed of tunnels, some of which were blocked up when the king's cellars were dug, but not all of the complex was discovered. Some of these tunnels lead to the cave of the dark god, an abomination named Tsathoth.

Castle Robar's main keep and settlement are the oldest parts of the ruins. The settlement buildings are quite well-made of stone and strong wood, and there is little damage to this part of town.

Surrounding the hill is the extensive, partially-flooded ruins of the castle town, which grew to prosper under the reign of the kings. These structures were mostly made of wood, and so they were heavily damaged when Tharn Zel's army attacked. Scattered through the castle town are the remains of war machines - including the sorcerer's strange, metal warriors, their bodies lying dormant.

The ruins of the castle town's dockyard have been pulled below the waves by the sea monster Martin's Bane, named so because it killed the king's chief admiral and destroyed his fleet during the battle. It lies sleeping, but its young infest the waters, and its tentacles lie just beneath the waters in the most westward ruins of the castle town. They are thick as undersea cables and will react violently if disturbed, ripping up rotting wood and knocking people into the air.

Far, far below the castle lies an ancient research facility built by the Old Ones. A malfunctioning portal at its heart leaked foul energies into the world, birthing the dark god Tsathoth which dwells below the temple complex, and so most of the machinery is covered in hideous flesh.


Castle Town & Dragon Encounters
Cracktooth Cave
Mount Thyme
Erstwhile Glave


Castle Surface (LO)
Dungeons (L1-L2)
Crypts & Catacombs (L3-L5)
Cellars (L6-L7)
Black Temple (L8-L9)
Hidden Tunnels (L10)
Abode of the Dark God (L11)


Magic Swords